Jehoshaphat: A godly king who pleased God.

Text 2 Chronicles 11-20

17:1-6: A summary of his good deeds

17:7-9 Jehosaphate and evangelism

17:10-11 His enemies were at peace with him because he pleased God. When a man’s ways pleases God, he makes his enemies live in peace with him.

18: 28-34: Jehosaphate went to an unnecessary war with King Ahab and nearly died

19:1-3: Jehosaphate rebuked by God

19:4-11: Jehosaphate's repentance Unlike his father Asa (2 Chron 16:.7-14); Jehosaphate repented when he was rebuked.

20:1-36 God fought Jehoshaphat's enemies on his behalf.

20:35-37 Jehosaphate's failed project because of his alliance with a wicked king

19 May

Text 2 Chronicles 11-20

17:1-6: A summary of his good deeds

17:7-9 Jehosaphate and evangelism

17:10-11 His enemies were at peace with him because he pleased God. When a man’s ways pleases God, he makes his enemies live in peace with him.

18: 28-34: Jehosaphate went to an unnecessary war with King Ahab and nearly died

19:1-3: Jehosaphate rebuked by God

19:4-11: Jehosaphate's repentance Unlike his father Asa (2 Chron 16:.7-14); Jehosaphate repented when he was rebuked.

20:1-36 God fought Jehoshaphat's enemies on his behalf.

20:35-37 Jehosaphate's failed project because of his alliance with a wicked king


End times message from God


God takes His time to do things according to His Plan