2023 Reflections: How many more years left before you turn 70?

In tonight's service, we shall do a thorough reflection and discussion and ask God in prayers to help us make good use of the rest of our years in this world.

Text Psalm 90, Ecclesiastes 12: 1

Some questions for reflection:

  1. Are you on the right path? The narrow way (Christ) or the Broadway (the world )- Matt. 7:13-14

  2. Have you wasted some years in life? On the wrong people (hoping they will change?), wrong projects, wrong desires (can enslave you), fighting God (will make you bitter in life, e.g. Naomi, see Ruth 1:19-21), procrastination (a thief of time)...

  3. Is your life on the solid rock (Christ)? Or on your money, job, spouse, children, beauty, and friends.

  4. What else do you have to do in life?

  5. Has God found you faithful? .. Rev 3:1-13

  6. How many souls have you won? Whoever wins a soul is wise (Prov. 11:30).

  7. What are some of the dangers ahead of you? Sickness, betrayal, backsliding, poverty, divorce, wayward children.. Acts 20:22-24.


The Life of Jesus Christ The Messiah


Comfort or problems can make you stagnant, but press on towards the will of God.