Jesus says God’s kingdom is here; repent and believe the good news!

Main Text: Mark 1:1-15


This means at least three things: 1. The church must preach God’s kingdom, 2. non-believers must repent and believe the gospel, and 3. believers must live as citizens of God’s kingdom. God promises us His kingdom (Dan 2:24), and today, Jesus says this is here. God’s kingdom has four main elements: Kingdom, jurisdiction, law, and people (citizen).

Do we need God’s kingdom?
Yes, because we lost the beautiful life and the world God gave us, hence the suffering and hardships we experience (Genesis 3). Some people blame God for casting Satan down to worry us. But the truth is that God made human beings to have authority over Satan. But we lost it. We lost our authority, peace, joy, and righteousness through satan’s deception, the very one God wants us to have dominion over. God’s kingdom restores what we lost ( e.g. Luke 10:17-20; Romans 14:17). We shall judge angels (1 Cor 6:1-3

How did human beings lose the beautiful life God gave us?

  1. Through obsession: enticements, consumerism, entertainment, pleasure; this targets the poor and needy

  2. Through possession, Satan seeks to possess humans: this is found in families, hereditary or spiritual place

  3. Through oppression: found in power and leadership structures. People who want power and who crave to be leaders oppress human beings e.g. Simon the sorcerer(Act 8), and Elymans (Acts 13:4-12).

  4. Through subjugation: making a pact or contract with the devil and his demons, like secret societies, illuminates.

Have you been born again? Are you in God's kingdom? (John 3:3-5).

People are trying to enter God's kingdom(Luke 16:16). What does this mean?


Meditation in the life of the Christian