To enable us to take the Gospel to other towns, cities and nations

Scriptures: 1 Corinth 3:1-3, Eph 4:11-16, Galatians 2:19-21, James 1:4-5

Sermon Objectives:

  1. The Christian life is a spiritual life, and there must be maturity.

  2. 3 spiritual stages in Christian growth, which we must identify and aim to attain.

  3. Christian Maturity must happen to you – what do you need to do?

  4. The spiritual growth of James (Jesus’s bro) is an example for us to imitate.

Christian Spiritual Life: acquiring the Spirit of God into your human spirit (1 Corinth 3:1-4, 2 Corinth 5:17, Rev 3:20, 1 John 5:12).
Christian Spiritual Maturity: developed Christ-like stature to carry Life and Purpose (Eph 4:8-16, James 1:4-5).
Christian Spiritually Settled: enduring Christian life by the Spirit of God (Gal 2:19-21, 1 John 2:13, Acts 21:15-16).

Pathway to Christian Maturity (James 1:4-5)

  1. Enter God’s family by placing your faith in Christ as Saviour and Lord, a new and wonderful relationship with Christ (Vrs 2, John 1:12-13).

  2. Recognise your family Relationship, Responsibilities and Fellowship (Vrs: Hebrew 10:25). Responsibilities: prayer, fasting, church attendance, communion, commitment, tithes and offering.

  3. Seek the grace of humility – humility towards God and man (Vrs 1, 1 Peter 5:5-6, James 4:6)

  4. Find your purpose in the Kingdom of God, engage in Ministry Activities and do it with all your heart (Vrs 1 and 2).

  5. See trials and troubles as an opportunity for growth. What does God want you to learn in the trial/trouble you are facing? (Vrs 3)

  6. Your faith will be tested for your endurance to grow (Vrs 3, Genesis 22:1-2)

  7. So let it grow… so you will be matured, complete, lacking nothing (Vrs 4)

Constants for Maturity

  1. Time, Grace and Purpose

  2. The Word, Prayer Life, and Christian Fellowship/Local Church

  3. God makes it grow (1 Corinth 3:6-9)

Closing Prayer:

  1. Invite Jesus Christ into your life as your Saviour and Lord

  2. Let your Word and Spirit in me grow. Give me Wisdom and Strength to grow.

  3. We pray for genuine Church Membership growth for CHC.


Preparing the church for gospel missions: Christian Hospitality.


Human beings in the hands of God for Greater Works