Jesus will come and help, do not condemn yourself.

Jesus will come and help, do not condemn yourself.

One of the Jubilee messages is that Jesus will come and help no matter your circumstance. However, people who do not know this condemn themselves before their jubilee. This is a message we must understand and tell others as.

Text John 5:1-14; 1 John 3:20-22

Two themes to focus on:

  1. Jesus will come and help you
    E.g., The invalid man in John 5:1-14, had been in that condition for 38yrs without help, but Jesus helped him. Lessons: 1. Jubilee is a one-off special moment lifetime

    1. The man did not condemn himself and kept hoping.

    2. Don't focus on your stories when God’s grace is at work; listen to God 4. people’s sins can make their lives miserable (5:14).

    3. N.B: Some people go through tough times not because of their sins but for God’s glory (e.g., the man born blind John 9:1-5).

  2. How not to condemn yourself ( 1 John 3:20-22)
    You are condemning yourself when you live or do ungodly things deliberately because you think you have failed or sinned.
    Ahitophel’s –betrayed David- humiliation-suicide (2 Samuel 17:23)
    Essau (Genesis 25:29-34): He did not respect his life and birthright, trading it for soup and condemning himself; he missed his father’s blessings (Genesis 27).
    All humanity - ungratefulness to God leads to suppressing the truth about God, resulting in depravity (God’s wrath ) (Romans 1:18-32).
    The prodigal son did not condemn himself. Although he took the share of his inheritance and squandered everything on wild living, he didn’t continue to live ungodly life but came to his senses to be godly- a return to God (Luke 15:17-20).


Who is responsible for your troubles; God, you, Satan, or somebody?


There is too much stress in the world; people need jubilee from God