Joseph covered Mary's 'shame.’

The gospel does not leave us in shame but provides us with an atonement (a covering)

In today’s sermon, we shall look at the fact that per God's design, no human wants their nakedness (sins) to be exposed (e.g., 2 Cor 5:1-5). For this reason, the gospel of Jesus Christ does not leave us in shame but provides us with an atonement, a covering (Rev 3:14-18(.  This was what Joseph attempted to do for Mary.

We shall also apply this knowledge to marriage and shall conclude that the less we preach the gospel, the more many people’s nakedness will be exposed and disgraced ( e.g., John 8:3-11).

God, Adam, and Eve (Genesis 3:8-11;21)

When Adam and Eve became naked, they ran away from God; God did not even gaze at their nakedness. He made a protective clothing (atonement) for them (Gen 3:8-11; 21). The Hebrew word “kaphar”  is translated into English as “atonement” and it means “to cover.” In atonement, God sees the sins covered. In the NT, Jesus is our atoning sacrifice (1 Jon 2:1-2).  Lesson: Don’t run away from God; He will help you.

Joseph and Mary (Matthew 1:18-21).

When Joseph planned not to expose Mary publicly for the pregnancy, Joseph provided a covering for Mary.

Joseph was (a righteous man) obedient to God's law. Lessons: If you know and obey God's laws, you receive blessings without doing much in life, and things will fall into place at the right time.

Noah and his sons (Genesis 9:20-27).

When Noah became naked from drinking wine, he blessed his son, who covered him (because in doing so, he preached the gospel). But the son who exposed his nakedness (sin) was cursed (Genesis 9:20-27).

Was Noah to be blamed? Answer: Noah’s bad behaviour only exposed the true character of his sons.

N.B: To do well in life is not all about making money; righteous behaviour profits a lot.  Parents, assignment!

Nakedness in marriage and the need for the marriage vows (covenant)
In marriage, you are going to be naked, and your sins and weakness will be exposed. Therefore, you need a security,  vow, and agreement to ensure your spouse will not take you for granted.
Jesus saves a woman caught in adultery (John 8:3-11).

Jesus invites us to come to him to have our sins covered, taken away, sanctified, and glorified ( Rev. 3:14-18)


God gives humans free will and the gospel: the Christmas story and Constantine.


Convincing Proof that Jesus Christ is the Messiah and Our Saviour.