
The church is at the place of discipleship, preparing ourselves to take the gospel message to other places. Wherever you see good things happening, there is always self-discipline. Text Hebrews 12:5-11; Matthew 5:27-30;

God commands us to be disciplined (Matt 5:29-30);, and He also gives us self-discipline (2 Tim 1:7) What is self-discipline? You can be very busy but lack self-discipline. Self-discipline is about thinking and doing what is right, with long-term goals in mind. Or aligning your desires, passion, and interest, with your goals or the will of God.

Benefits? Plenty!

  1. 1. Self-discipline is a means to build a godly character; you reap a harvest of righteousness and peace

  2. You qualified yourself for the price before you ( 1 Cor 9:24-27)

  3. 3. You avoid a lot of problems, regrets, and sins. Undisciplined people have no peace.

Lack of self-discipline

  1. If you don't discipline yourself, God will discipline you (Heb. 12:7-12). E.g, Eleven-day journey took them forty years, because God knew they were not disciplined so, He took them to the long route ( Deut. 1-2)

  2. You will be disqualified for the price: lack of self-discipline has disqualified many people (e.g, Moses in Num 20:6-12;); Saul in 1 Samuel 15);

How to be self-disciplined: You need the right instructions, then you follow them. E.g., about eternal life (Acts 2:36-41).

Some of the areas we need self-disciple

  1. Your tongue (James 3:5-1). 1. How do we tame the tongue? It is not everything we say. You corrupt your soul if you say anything bad about someone to other people.

  2. The commandments of God. E.g., The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20).

  3. You will miss a moment of inspiration, a time when God visits you or opens a door for you (e.g., John 5: 1-14; Luke 19:42-44).

  4. Appetite/desires/cravings for food have caused more havoc to many people than poverty (Gen 3:6).

  5. Social media is a friend and a foe: don’t watch unnecessary things to waste your time.


Wickedness in the world


Preparing the church for gospel missions: Christian Hospitality.