The Gospel is blessing and condemning people all over the world 

Text Colossians 1:3-13; Matt 24:10-14

What is the gospel 

It is a message about Jesus and God’s kingdom that has God’s power to save human beings (Mark 1:14-15; Romans 1:16-17).

What does the gospel do for people?
1. It announces good news to people, that  there is hope, and that their only Hope is God their saviour (Matthew 4:16-17, who is always faithful, kind, and just to help them (2 Cor 6:1-2).
2. It takes people from darkness into God's kingdom  and give them eternal life.
3. It transforms people: character, mindset (Rom 12:2), morals, and gives them the New birth (John 3:3-6)

4. It teaches people: 1 about life, 2. dos and don’t, 3. truth, 4. reality etc

5. It condemns people who are not ready to repent (John 3:16-18)

How can you be part of the gospel project?

1.  Pray and be filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:4-8)

2. Tell people about the gospel (John 4:28,39-42)

3. Bring them to church to worship God 

4. Giving money to support the spread of the gospel


‘Heaven’ encourages people to live well and hope for eternal life.


The Light of God’s glory