The weak and poor are looked down upon, but God lifts them up

Text James 2:1-7, Psalm 113:4-9

The world system will reject you if you are not good enough. Therefore, all people should return to God; it’s Jubilee time. We must also be like God, accepting all people unto salvation.


The world looks for the smartest, strongest, and most intelligent people and works with them but rejects and looks down upon the weak, the nobodies, and the poor.
E.g., Nebuchadnezzar selected and took wise men to Babylon but left the poor people (2 Kings 24:14). David's father rejected him but presented his well-built sons to be chosen as King (1 Samuel 16:10-11)


God does not show favouritism but accepts from every nation the one who does what is right (Acts 10:34-35 God looks for the despised and the poor and sanctifies them great to serve Him, or else no one will care for them ( 1 Cor 1:27-31).

Because the world is looking for the strong, intelligent, the smart, God blesses His children in a way the world cannot snatch them; in a way, the world will not be interested in you again (Hosea 2:5-17).

For these reasons, God does not bless His children who are worldly or in the world, or else they will never return home. Most Christians are suffering, without peace, because they are worldly.

God made Daniel, for example, successful working under King Nebuchadnezzar because God knew that Daniel would be faithful even if he gave him all the world's treasures. How did God know that? Daniel demonstrated this to God (Daniel 1:5;8). Sometimes, we don’t qualify ourselves for what our heart desires. We must, sometimes, prove to God that we would be faithful (2 Timothy 2:2).

Your salvation is more important to God than whatever your success is (Matthew 16:26-27).

God’s children will be rejected by the world; therefore, they should come Home (John 15:18-21).


Understanding God's Word or Power helps avoid Life errors.


Who is responsible for your troubles; God, you, Satan, or somebody?