What God our Father in Heaven says men need to live well

The Fatherhood of God talks about the duties of God as our Father in heaven (Matthew 6:5-13; Eph 3:14-

17); we shall look at what God says men need to live well.

  1. So that we will know how we can help our men.

  2. So that we will be able to raise our young men properly for life.

  3. Most men do not really know what they need to live well.

The needs of Men as seem best to God (Genesis 2:7; 15-18)


1. Men need God, the breath of God, for life (Genesis 2:7; Deut 16:16)

For example, Jacob needed the breath of God, for he was tired, and so God sent an angel to bless him, but

Jacob has to show that he needed the blessings (see Genesis 32:22-29); every man must learn to walk with

God alone for spiritual strength.


2. Work to do: He who does not work must not eat ( 2 Thess. 3:10)

Work will reward you with money, satisfaction, and your contribution to the world and the kingdom of God. People who think they need money abuse the work they do. Such people are not never happy in life. Through work, we learn that things do not just happen; they need time and effort (Genesis 2:15). E.g. the Exodus redemption. We also learn the principle of sowing: you read what you sow ( Galatians 6:7-8).


3. knowledge that comes from God- of what is good and what is evil (Genesis 2:16-17; 2 Tim 3:14-17)

The pioneers of the scientific revolution were all Christians. What this means is that their source of knowledge was from God. In other words, they retain God in their knowledge. Young men must learn to meditate ( Joshua 1:8-10). Isaac was in the field meditating when they brought his wife Rebecca (Genesis 24:62-67).


3. A suitable and willing help mate (Genesis 2:18).

To make him happy, to help him build a life (Genesis 22: 1-4; 24:66-67). The marriage is not exclusive to the man and the woman, God is part of the marriage, Christ is the head of the man, and the head of the woman is the man (1 Cor. 11:3) . A man without Christ is like a body without a head. Women should encourage their men to be Christ-like, or else they will not have much to offer you.


Put off your Old-self and put on your New-self created to be like God


We are clay in God’s hands. Allow God to mould you as seems best to Him.