A Summary of 2023 Sermons

In Deuteronomy, Moses summarised all that God did prior to the next phase of the journey under Joshua. Today, we shall also remind ourselves what God has done for us in 2023 before we enter the new year 2024.

Major messages in 2023

  1. Great is the faithfulness of God- He has provided us all that we needed (Deut. 8:1-8; 2 Peter 1:3-4).

  2. Make good use of God’s blessings. Like Rehab, Ruth,...Many of you have been blessed, but the challenge is how to bear fruit (e.g. John 15:16). God has chosen us to bear fruit (good character, soul winning, etc…).

  3. The Josephs are not appreciated: a message for people who help others ( Genesis  37: 17-28; 45:3-7).

    The Josephs are people who sacrifice their lives to help others. E.g., Abraham, Joseph, Mordecai, Boaz, Jesus, Paul.  There are stories about the Josephs not being appreciated, especially this Christmas. Some are perishing, so most people are now waiting for the next Joseph to help. The challenge is how Joseph should live in a way that he is not destroyed and also how those who benefit from Joseph can support him.

    WHAT JOSEPHs MUST DO: 1. Understand themselves (e.g. John 7:1-10) 2. There is jealousy around them; 3. Can't afford to live a righteous life; your enemies will use it to destroy you; 4. Entertainment are not good for you; if you do, you will die early (e.g., Portifar’s wife on Joseph (Gen 39); Sampson was Delilah (Judges 16).

    The advice to people receiving help is that they should appreciate the help they are receiving and be willing to change; to cooperate, they should also love the person helping them (e.g., Phil. 4:10-19).

  4. Responding to moments of God’s visitations.

    The creation account tells that God works in seasons (Gen 1-2, Ecc. 3 ), and God has set time for everyone ( Luke 19:41-44; John 5:1-8). Therefore, when it's God's time to bless you, respond immediately (Hebrews 3:15). In doing so, you will not waste much time in life. Have you wasted some years in life? On the wrong people (hoping they will change?), wrong projects, wrong desires (can enslave you), fighting God (will make you bitter in life, e.g. Naomi, see  Ruth 1:19-21), procrastination (a thief of time).

  5. Drinking from your own well-your church (Prov. 5:15).

    The above Scripture encourages us to be satisfied with the wife of our youth. Thus, the Scripture warns us against adultery. In the context of our sermon, to drink from your well here means to receive spiritual nourishment from your own church: follow the sermons, instructions,  and programs of your church, these help you to grow and also help you to be discipline.



A Fresh New anointing from God for the year 2024.


The birth of Jesus Christ marks a new beginning for human beings.