God does not do things anyhow; He works according to covenants.

God does not do things anyhow; He works according to covenants

Today’s sermon aims to discuss that God does not do things anyhow; he works according to covenants.

We shall also look at how you can receive a covenant from God.

A covenant is an agreement between Him and His people, whereby each party has a role to play.

Text Genesis 17:1-8; Hebrews 6:13-20

In these readings, God established a covenant with Abraham

Why covenants? So that we will be greatly encouraged to believe in God (Hebrews 6:18)

How to receive a covenant from God:

  1. Live to please God by obeying His commandments. E.g., God's covenant with David (1 Kings 2:1-4);

  2. E.g., God’s covenant with Jehu (2 Kings 10:31-32).

  3. Find out the covenants God has established and join in. The Worship covenant (Exodus 23:23-26; John 4:23-24).

  4. The Marriage Covenant (Genesis 2: 20-25; Prov. 18:22: 1 Peter 3:1-7).

  5. Salvation covenant in Christ Jesus (Matt 26:27-29; Acts 2:36-41; 10:39-43).

  6. Material blessings covenant (Malachi 3:8-10).

How to deal with enemies (Romans 12:17-21; Matthew 5:39-48).

What can you do in God’s kingdom in 2024?

13 Helpful Requirements to Serve God

  1. Be born again

  2. Filled with God’s Spirit always

  3. Regular church attendance

  4. Personal devotion at home

  5. Holy living

  6. Peacemaker

  7. Soul winner for Jesus

  8. Giver of tithes, offerings, and to the needy

  9. Managing your family godly.

0. Good reputation in the church and outside the church

  1. Love God, yourself, church members, Bishop, other people

  2. Use your gifts to serve God

  3. Help to create a godly church environment


Mannesah, King of Judah, did evil in the eyes of God.


The ascension of Jesus to Heaven: a glimpse into life after death.