Mannesah, King of Judah, did evil in the eyes of God.

We shall later explore why God allowed him to become a king in the first place.

Text 2 Kings 21:1-18

What evil did he commit? Detestable practices of the nations God drove out from the Promised Land (See Deut. 18:9-13). And so, When Israel committed the same sins as Adam and Eve, they were driven out from the promised Land.

What were they: sorcery, divination, child sacrifice, idol worship (Deut. 18:9-13). These sins affect the whole society, one person can lead the whole society astray, as did Manasseh. We shall now explore why God allowed him to become a king in the first place.

Answer: it was because the people were not willing to be godly or to build a righteous society.

However, when they demonstrated that they were ready to be godly, e.g. by rejecting another evil king Ammon (2 Kings 21:19-26), their next king, Josiah, was very godly ( 2 Kings 22-23). In the days of Daniel, when Nebuchadnezzar built the golden image and made it compulsory, the whole society bowed down to it except, the three Hebrew boys ( Daniel 3).

In the same way, in the end times, people who already worship idols will worship the Beast and its image. People who worship the true God will not worship the Beast (Revelation 13:11-18).

What can you do in God’s kingdom in 2024?

13 Helpful Requirements to Serve God

  1. Be born again

  2. Filled with God’s Spirit always

  3. Regular church attendance

  4. Personal devotion at home

  5. Holy living

  6. Peacemaker

  7. Soul winner for Jesus

  8. Giver of tithes, offerings, and to the needy

  9. Managing your family godly.

  10. Good reputation in the church and outside the church

  11. Love God, yourself, church members, Bishop, other people

  12. Use your gifts to serve God

  13. Help to create a godly church environment


Pentecost: God wants everyone to have His Spirit.


God does not do things anyhow; He works according to covenants.