God’s Great Plan for Humanity and the Christmas Tradition

Text Genesis 3:15 Galatians 4:4

The Great Plan of God: The world God created was good (Genesis 2), but sin marred it, and so he is reversing  the effect of sin and establishing the kingdom of God (Rev 21:1-5) 

The seed of the woman (Christ) is the one to destroy evil (Genesis 3:15; Gal 4:4; 1 John 3:8-10)

The birth of Jesus tells us that no one can destroy the plans and purposes of God, although there will be frustrations, distractions, delays, etc. (Isaiah 9:6-7; Jer 23:5-6; Matt 16:18).

N.B. We can learn great lessons from how God works. Thus, if we do things according to God's way, we will succeed because it will be as if God is doing it (Prov. 3:5-8; John 6:38-40). 

How does God do things? With zeal, perseverance (does not give up Heb 10:37-39), forgiveness, mercy, justice, love (John 3:16),  righteousness, honesty, in His holy Spirit, etc

The Christmas  celebration

Jesus was not born on 25th December. However, when Emperor Constantine saw that the Christian faith was very good, he embraced it and set aside the 25th of December to celebrate Jesus’ birth. Since then, this celebration has become a global event. 

Thus, for many people, Christmas is a replacement for pagan celebrations with the celebration of the birth of Jesus. The birth of Jesus is celebrated in Scripture as a great worship (Matthew 2:1-2; Luke 2:8-14).

There are precedences in Scripture when pagan worship was removed and, in its place, the worship of God was instituted (e.g. Gideon in Judges 6:23-27). Therefore, this Christmas, replace every idol in your life with what is of God.

The whole plan of God is about human beings turning to God in worship, lifestyle, vocation, religion, spirituality,  business, and family for His glory…-Hab 2:14


The Christmas message: The Birth of Jesus Christ


Prayer is one of the blessings from God.