The Christmas message: The Birth of Jesus Christ

Text Isaiah 9:6-7; Matthew 1-2;

Key Christmas messages
The nine lessons and carols (e.g., Gen 3:8-15, 17-19; 22:15-18; Isaiah 9:2,6-7; Micah 5:2-4; Matt 1:18-23;

Luke 2:1-7 etc
The fall of humanity, the promise of the Messiah, and the birth of Jesus are told in nine short Bible readings or lessons from Genesis, the prophetic books and the Gospels.
This teaches us that God does not just do things, he plans and carefully brings His plan to pass.

The Purpose of Jesus’s Birth
To save human beings from their sins (Matt 1:21). This is because God loves us but many people don’t know this (John 3:16). To receive this salvation is faith in Jesus for forgiveness, repentance, baptism, godly living (e.g., Acts 2:38-41)

Mary and Joseph: a godly family
Both Mary and Joseph were righteous, a good example.

The Magi visit the Messiah (Matt 2:1-2)
God revealed the birth of Jesus to these men, which agrees with Scripture, that only God can draw people to the salvation of their souls (John 6:43-44). They worship Jesus and present Him with gifts: this agrees with the scripture, that no one should come to God empty-handed (e.g., Deut. 16:16).

King Herod, an enemy of Jesus Christ (Matthew 2:13; Genesis 3:15)

Herod pretended he would worship Jesus, but wanted to kill baby Jesus.
But God told Mary and Joseph what to do- to run away with Jesus to Egypt
Always, be aware of people who want to destroy you.
Don’t give yourself to them but submit your life to God and God will make them flee (James 4:7-8).


A relationship with God, based on mutual love, matures into friendship.


God’s Great Plan for Humanity and the Christmas Tradition