Jesus’ parable of the Sower about the Kingdom of God

(the wayside, the rocky, the thorns, and the good soil)

In Scripture, Jesus tells us about the kingdom of God using parables. Today, we shall look at the parable of the Sower. Which of these four soils are you? God's kingdom is about He ruling in people's lives and the world.

Why God's kingdom? God's kingdom has come to give humans and the world God's original plan, purpose, and life (Matthew 11:1-5). God's kingdom will replace all kingdoms (Dan 2:44).
Thus, anyone who wants a good life must come to God's kingdom (Luke 16:16). Jesus uses parables to tell us about the kingdom of God; He veils (hides) the meanings but gives the meaning to severe people.

Text Luke 8:1-15; 1:1-8; 9-15. Our text tells us how to receive the blessings of God’s kingdom.

The four groups of people 

  1. The seed sown along the path (the wayside):  People who lack understanding because they are unprepared, and so the evil one comes to snatch it.

  2. The seed on the rocky ground: People who are not rooted in the word of God and so last only a short time. Here, there is some understanding, but not deep enough. 

  3. The seed falling among the thorns: People who know God’s word but worry about life and the deceitfulness of wealth make them unfruitful

  4. Seed falling on the good soil: People who hear the word and understand (obey) produce fruit by persevering. 

The secrets about God’s kingdom are given to people who are committed to the Lord (Luke 8:9-10)

These people take their time to study God’s word and obey it. Them. ( e.g., Joshua 1:8-9; Psalm 1; James: 1:22-25).


The wages of sin is death, but God’s free gift in Christ Jesus is eternal life.


Pentecost: God wants everyone to have His Spirit.