Knowing God: This is the purpose of life; this is eternal life.

John 17:1-5;  Jeremiah 9:24-25.

To know God is one of the purposes of life we must pursue, which we can be proud of if we know Him.

What does it mean to know God?

To know God means to acknowledge  Him as the only true God who alone is to be worshipped, and this acknowledgement and worship of God leads to eternal life (John 17:4).

Why should human beings know God?

  1. Because He created you to know Him (Gen 1:26-28), those who know God enjoy a special relationship with Him (Psalm 91:14). Most people want God to treat them special, but they do not make an effort to know Him.

  2. Knowing God helps shape your understanding of life ( Prov 9:10): family, health, finance, and life after death because it answers questions of life.

  3. Knowing God helps you to know and make use of His blessings; You will know what He can do for you and what you have to do. E.g., For any project 1 Cor 3:5-6; regarding your enemies Psalm 110:1

  4. You must know God because you will stand before Him on that judgment day when He will demand an account from you (Luke 12:13-21).

How can human beings know God?

  1. Intuitively- God has given us the ability to know  Him without proof or evidence (Rom2:14-15).

  2. A diligent search for God. People who know God make an effort (Jer. .29:13-14; Heb. 11:6). 

  3. By revelation (e.g. through Scripture or by Christ Matt 11:27; Jer. 31:33-34 )

  4. An encounter (e.g. Gideon in Judges 6; Paul in Acts 9).

  5. Through the church, to provide practical help (e.g., Ananias helping Paul to understand the Christ faith and baptizing him; Philip helping the Ethiopian Enoch to under the scriptures.


It's better to go to a house of mourning than a house of feasting.


We are created to worship God.