We are created to worship God.

Text Exodus 23:23-30

The three types of call to worship God

  1. For non-believers,  the call is to stop the worship of idols and to worship God.  God say I  will bless you (Exo 23:23-30).  One of the signs of being born again is to worship God ( Exod. 3:12; Heb. 10:23-25

  2. Among worshippers of God,  God is seeking true worshippers in His Spirit (John 4:23-24; Roans 8:9).

  3. The call to the whole world is for people to fear God and worship Him because of His wrath. In these end times, whom you worship will determine your eternal destiny, either the Beast or God, chose one  (Rev  13:8; 15-17; 14:6-7).

THE WORSHIP OF GOD UNITES ALL FORCES of power, spiritually and politically

All the elders in heaven lay down their crowns (authority) before God and worshipped (Rev 4:9-10).

When there is no worship of God, what happens is fighting because there is no unifying figure for the powers to submit to.

It is the worship of God that brings all people, all powers, together, the good and the bad (Phil 2:9-11).

When the disciples were contending for positions in heaven, their solution came when Jesus appeared on the scene (Mark 10: 35-45)

What about those who don't worship God?
In the absence of worship of God,  one worships the self or an idol. When you worship yourself, you become vulnerable to spiritual forces and forces of nature. And since you are vulnerable without God’s protection, any evil spirit, witch, or bad person can possess or take you captive.

True worshippers of God easily accept the gift of salvation, which comes through the hearing of the gospel. E.g., The Ethiopian Eunuch Acts 8:26-40, (Cornelius Acts 10), Lydia Acts 16:11-16;

How should we worship God?

We gather to sing songs and praise Him with heartfelt words and songs ( Rom 11:33-36; Rev 4:8-11). The worshippers of God follow His commandments (John 14:15).


Knowing God: This is the purpose of life; this is eternal life.


Problems precede blessings or something terrible. God wants us to act accordingly.