Treasures from God, humans are jars of clay, and the believer’s unbreakable life.

Text 2 Cor 4:3-9

In this text, there are several themes we can consider. For example, how Satan has blinded people,

treasures from heaven, human beings as jars of clay, and the unbreakable life of the believer. Bringing three of these themes together, we can conclude that there is nothing wrong with what God gives; the problem is the vessel which can easily break, and that the best way to live is to receive the new birth and live a life of faith in God.

Treasures from God (James 1:17): Will encourage you to seek these treasures

Biblically, a very dear treasure cannot be purchased with money; it is a gift from God.

  1. Human life is a treasure from heaven given to us to live and to worship God ( Gen 2:7; Psalm 150:6; John 4:23-24). When you abuse your life, God will judge you. When you use your life well, God will bless you.

  2. Marriage is a gift from God ( Genesis 2:18). According to research, there is an increase in crime not because of ‘mental health crises’ but because the family is under attack.

  3. The gospel (Rom 1:16-17): It is a treasure from heaven, given to only born-again believers as ambassadors of Christ to reconcile the world through Christ to God (2 Cor 5:17-20).

  4. Eternal life (Mark 10:28-31).

  5. The kingdom of God (Matthew 13:44-46).

God made humans as jars of clay. Therefore, depending on God (Genesis 2: 7; 2 Cor 4:7; Job 4:17-20), By nature, human beings are earthen vessels — formed out of the dust of the earth, frail, feeble, perishing bodies, and liable to be broken into pieces daily; and, because of sin, returning to dust.

Unbreakable life of the believer (2 Cor 4:8-9)

What makes humans (earthen vessels ) unbreakable is the 1. new birth God gives and 2. faith in God. A born-again person has eternal life. The one who has faith in God shall overcome all challenges until heaven receives him. Are you born again? Is your faith in God?


Wherever there is 'love’, victory from God is assured.