Problems precede blessings or something terrible. God wants us to act accordingly.

Problems precede blessings or something terrible, and we seek to understand the problem and what to do next.  

Text Luke 12:54-59.

The meaning of the words is that they did not act upon their knowledge.

Biblical examples of problems and what was done

1. When God saw that Adam and Eve could not approach Him, He stepped in to protect the Tree of Life so Adam and Eve would not eat from it and live forever in sin (Genesis 3:21-24).
2. If Noami had responded to her crisis in time, she would have saved her family, although God  helped her

3. Jonah responded to his crises in time. When he saw the ship was about to be destroyed, he owned up and confessed and told them what they must do to save the ship and the people on board (Jonah 1:1-16).
Biblically, some problems and what they mean

1. Struggles in your career or job prospects are signs that God wants you to work for Him. E.g., Peter and his friends (Luke 5:1-11; John 21:1-6). Moses had to run away from becoming a Prince because he became wanted in the courts of  Pharoah, where he was supposed to work as a Prince (Exodus 2:11-22).

2. If you easily get a job or become successful with business, it is a sign to support God's work financially (e.g. Luke 8:1-3; 10:5-7).

2. Lack of unity and love in the family is a sign of a broken home; You will leave a bad legacy for the children if you don’t act. E.g., Jacob or David,  What to do?

3. Protracted sickness. God wants you to pay attention either to your personal sin, e.g. David (Psalm 32), or He is about to do something glorious through you (e.g., the man born blind in John 9 ; or  King Hezekiel ).

4. Struggling to get married is always a sign of consecration; to devote your time to serve the Lord ( 1 Cor 7: 8-9; 32-35).

5. Struggling to give birth, like Sarah, Hannah, or Elizabeth, is a sign that God will use you to bring forth a godly offspring. What to do?


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